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Why Tile cracks may occur
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Why Tile cracks may occur
{"time":1691639928344,"blocks":[{"id":"AXOlLebmE-","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"The presence of cracked tiles might initially appear to be a matter of aesthetics, given that tiles are typically chosen for their visual allure and placed over components of greater structural significance. Yet, these cracks frequently serve as indicators of more profound issues, and neglecting them can prove to be a grave error."}},{"id":"qAdoVvfIET","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Once tiles are installed, they possess minimal flexibility, making their stability and integrity heavily reliant on their surrounding environment. Alterations to this environment, erroneous installation methods, or unforeseen impact or load factors can all contribute to the formation of cracks in the tiles. An adept specialist well-versed in tiles and other flooring elements possesses the ability to discern the root cause of these cracks."}},{"id":"6FNrh930Qg","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"<b>Impact-Related Damage:</b> This form of cracking is often the most localized and easily identifiable cause of loss, stemming from a distinct and perceptible incident. Cracks that result from objects falling typically emanate from the point of impact. The central area where the object is struck tends to exhibit chipping, abrasion, or fractures, potentially accompanied by smaller chips along the periphery. According to ASTM International standards, ceramic tiles are expected to withstand a minimum force of 250 pounds per square inch. While a well-installed tile may fracture under a concentrated or substantial force, a comprehensive evaluation by a licensed expert can ascertain whether manufacturing defects or subpar installation contributed to the damage."}},{"id":"BPsUaSlSCV","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"<b>Degradation of Floor Framing:</b> Beneath tile flooring, moisture-induced deterioration can silently pervade wooden framing. Various terms like \"dry rot,\" \"wet rot,\" and \"wood rot\" encapsulate this form of moisture damage. As the wood loses its structural integrity, it can no longer adequately support the tiles, causing the floor system to deflect and resulting in surface cracks. These cracks tend to originate above areas most affected by the decay and proliferate as the framing issues exacerbate, coinciding with the tiles' routine use. Cracks due to deflection from fungal decay may coincide with indications of a sagging floor and fissures at floor-to-wall junctions or sealants. Fungal growth thrives in moist conditions, with moisture content exceeding 22% being conducive to rot. During inspections, moisture content measurements should be taken, along with visual documentation, to validate whether decay is accountable for the cracked tiles. Should this be the case, a professional can pinpoint the moisture source and propose remedies to curtail the damage."}},{"id":"5VSQknmeFV","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"<b>Differential Settling:</b> Differential settling ensues when a structure undergoes non-uniform settlement. The weight exerted by structures during and after construction triggers soil compression and weight distribution. Though settlement is inherent to structures built on soil, the rate and extent of settling vary based on construction practices and soil characteristics. Tile flooring damage stemming from differential settling parallels that of decaying wood framing, as shifts in underlying building components impact load-bearing capacity, culminating in cracks. These cracks often coincide with gaps between tiles and walls, or even between tiles themselves, manifested as fractured grout and mortar. On concrete slabs, cracks in tiles often mirror those in the underlying concrete, and settlement-related cracks come with accompanying vertical misalignments."}},{"id":"9WyCxRO7_B","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"<b>Inadequate Installation:</b> Tiles adhering to guidelines outlined by ASTM International and the Tile Council of North America should withstand foreseeable environmental conditions and usage. Several signs of cracked or compromised tiles may point to improper installation techniques. An uneven or inadequately prepared subfloor poses a notable installation error, regardless of the tiles' meticulous application. Such tiles become susceptible to minor elevation disparities across the structure, which can lead to cracking due to regular use. Neglecting to incorporate movement joints within the tile field and adjoining other materials leaves no allowance for expansion and contraction, potentially leading to cracking caused by abrupt temperature fluctuations. Insufficient adhesion results in loose tiles, which in turn can give rise to cracks as the tiles repetitively interact with one another or the underlying underlayment. Experts can diagnose subpar adhesion by discerning a hollow sound when gently striking tiles that have come loose."}},{"id":"oRU4g2LgVT","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Invariably, the origin of tile cracking often traces back to pressure. A licensed engineer possessing expertise in tiles can utilize the findings from an inspection to pinpoint the cause, scope, and duration of the loss, and if requested, offer recommendations for remediation steps."}}],"version":"2.27.2"}